Teakchamble Frame
Prime Frames are factory finished to match the aesthetic look of the door leaf and give a coordinated look to your vision. Prime frames are
Prime Frames are factory finished to match the aesthetic look of the door leaf and give a coordinated look to your vision. Prime frames are
Only Jessore & Khulna Mahogany tree doors and thresholds are created. The mahogany wood is usually light red in color. The woods here do not
Chittagong Shegun grows in Chittagong, quality and fiber are very good, and its pal is harmless if properly seasoned below 14% moisture content. For some
Chittagong Shill Karai wood is usually thin and resembles teak to see fiber. It is very strong and strong in the Chittagong seal wood. It
Typically, the fibers of the Burma Teak wood are usually thick and smooth in thin slabs. It is good for beautiful doors and thresholds. Doors
The frame can’t change anytime but doors can change anytime so for this reason the frame has to be strong and quality full. Actually, frames